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Revenge On Eleanor Calder (Coming back this Winter)

Review of Revenge On Eleanor Calder.

Previously on Revenge On Eleanor Calder. . .

Things have dramatically changed for Eleanor once she made her way to the city of lights, New York. After having to deal with an unknown person watching her and her own personal problems, she, Hannah, and Alison go to fashion show in New York. Close to the end of the fashion show Eleanor received a blocked text thinking that it was Nelly Hosten who is one of her closest friends. Nelly Hosten also vanished after being seen in the apparel of Eleanor's stalker who they call Red Coat. Eleanor goes out of the building in hopes of receiving more information after Nelly specifically said she was not red coat. But boy did tables turn once Eleanor was attacked unexpectedly and manhandled into a silver vehicle by a male stranger. Sadly no one had witnessed this event leaving no witnesses or clues behind of the kidnapper.

Once Eleanor arrived in a foreign environment she learns the nickname of her kidnapper is "Dude" and that she is to be held hostage and under the rules of her worst enemy. Red Coat. Although the identification of Red Coat is unknown. The person's face is covered by a plastic doll mask as well as a velvet red coat masking the shape of the body, black leather gloves, and black high heels is it's signature look. Scared out of her skin Eleanor does as told and keeps to herself for a day or so. But Dude who is a helper of Red Coat seems to be nice towards Eleanor which makes her feel somewhat comfortable. Great way to keep your enemies close as a way of survival right? Well things turned as Dude and Red Coat got the idea of humiliation for Eleanor. A sex tape. That is when she learns to never trust anyone no matter what especially those who are friends with evil. During the outrageous forced film, Eleanor Calder gets the knowledge of Dude's real name. Caleb.

After the whole incident Red Coat and Eleanor have a. . .thick wall of hatred for each other. Making Eleanor think one thing and one thing only, that the person behind the mask is the most jealous person she knows Becka. Becka who is a former girlfriend of Evan Clude who is Eleanor's ex boyfriend despises Eleanor as a person which makes a great objective for torture.

During that entire time Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor's family and friends are searching frantically for the lost twenty - one year old girl who was last seen in at the New York fashion show for fashion week. Police had begun giving up just after two days of searching thinking that Eleanor is already dead."It was a simple kidnap and murder case probably." one sergeant quoted, "We will do our best to get Eleanor home and safe." He finished. Louis Tomlinson as well was beginning to feel as if he'd lost her already, but with the help of the police department, fans, family, friends and sponsors, the look for Eleanor Jane Calder went on. As of the last time he'd talk to Eleanor was before the event.

But during those long horrendous two days Eleanor was not well, but alive. Starving, tired, dehydrated, and emotionally worn down as well as between. Hay fever had developed and the blood pumping through her veins would not have kept her up for another week. As well as her health terms were a struggle, but she was unknown of what troubles and burdens she was really dealing with.

Finally Eleanor got the chance to run away, but failed having Red Coat tackle Eleanor to the floor and injecting a powerful drug for unconsciousness. Once woken up Eleanor attempts to get free once more, but fails and is shot in the arm by an unknown person. Just as things got worse Eleanor finds her way back to apartment catching the conversation of Red Coat and Caleb speaking saying they would go out and search for her. After they leave Eleanor starts to lose a lot of blood, blood that would not even have kept her alive for another week with her conditions nor the person along with her. Finally Eleanor is back in the apartment and made her to the bathroom only have her worst nightmare appear giving her a freight.

Eleanor Calder is dragged into the small living and whipped out of breath until she falls unto her knees in pain. Red Coat manages to pull out a large blade coming at her, and stabbing at Eleanor with hate, jealousy, and one goal. Revenge. Eleanor kept fighting no matter although it were too much for her especially when Red Coat began to get closer to her goal by strangling her.

On that beautiful day in August 2013, Eleanor Calder, and her unborn child were murdered, because of revenge.

Afterwards Louis gets in a horrible car accident as an attempt of suicide due to grief. Louis is dead for about three hours and sees the loss of his life, Eleanor Calder. Later they are torn apart and Louis returns to where he belongs. The earth plane. He then stays in a hospital and has a unwelcome greeting by black hoodie in the hospital's elevator and is knocked out unconscious giving up. Louis then meets Anna a patient in the mental ward and fancies her very much. They share friendship, until their ends meet and Louis is released as well as Anna moving away to start over and have a new life of her own.

On the evening of Eleanor's wake and honor time Harry Styles who is Louis Tomlinson's band member hears the cries of Eleanor Calder and is lead into a room only to see a record repeating the sorrows over and over. Harry then is locked in the nicely decorated room for about ten minutes until someone lets him out. That person being Nelly Hosten who no one has seen in months after Eleanor's death, Harry asks where she had been only to have her talk back with attitude yet no answers of why her actions are this way.

Months after the world's top Detective who is Detective Luna became involved with Eleanor's case wanting to solve it, but Chloe Patterson who is her daughter decided to take over and have it a go at it coming to dead ends of suspects. Although the murder was a clean cut of evidence left behind Chloe learns a couple of things that brings up red flags.

  1. Nelly Hosten is missing in action and no where to be found.
  2. There is someone called RC that is either involved with the murder or knows information.
  3. Harry and Eleanor may have been together during the past months Eleanor was alive.
  4. Eleanor Jane Calder was a very well known and hated person in the fanbase of One Direction.
  5. Eleanor Calder was also 2 full months pregnant when she was murdered.
Even with that little information, secrets may be unveiled. But since there is one suspect behind bars being Rebecca Leenae', Chloe starts coming to a dead end once again. After attempting to unravel the dirt Chloe overhears the Doctor who did many autopsies for Eleanor's body talking about getting rid of someone. A girl specifically. After that Chloe is locked in a bathroom, but luckily Caleb returns, and opens the door.

Tables have turned for this entire case meaning Caleb who kidnapped Eleanor Calder has now charmed his way of a good impression to Chloe Patterson who has no idea who Caleb really is.

Will she learn his true identity? How will Louis take both losses of a child and Eleanor Calder in one day? What will Chloe think once she watches the sex tape that Louis gives her? Will Louis learn Eleanor's past? Most importantly. . .

Will the case of Eleanor Calder be solved?

Continue reading in. . .Revenge On Eleanor Calder.


I made this chapter as a review to help some readers out, just thought I'd take you back in time and re-jog your memory. I did in fact skip a few events, but did the brief overview of what you read. I will update soon.



Really!? Aw ilsym :) Thank you!

OK ok look

I personally think that instead of publishing that piece of shit 'after' they should publish this (maybe with different characters)

Next chapter more drama? Wow. This chapter was drama filled. I can't imagine what's next.