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Revenge On Eleanor Calder (Coming back this Winter)

Chapter 56

Eleanor's P.O.V

I lost Louis..and my life? No! Fuck no! Hell no! I force my eyes open looking across the empty room at the small coffee table.

It was just a dream? My heart is beating fast and my breathing is uneven. I sit up and look around, I'm alone. Once again like before. I take a deep breath and lay down with my head on my hand prevented my face to hit the cold ground. Thank God it was a dream. I close my eyes once more, damn that was a close one.

I guess it's because I miss Louis so much and that it all makes sense to dream about him. I sigh heavily before falling asleep.

Back At The Mall

Eleanor's P.O.V

I take a sip of my Caramel Frappe' before seeing Mary walk into the cafe' and have a seat in front of me.

Chills run down my spine, "Mary?" I ask studying her. I know that she's dead.

She's in a white long gown with no shoes one and her white hair is behind her ears and down her back. She smiles and studies me.

"Eleanor, sweetie it's so lovely to see you again." She says

"It's nice to see you too." I say accepting the fact that she's here

"Why are you in my dream..how are you in my dream?" I ask

"Remember..I have a gift Eleanor." I remember to when she told me about me being in grave danger. And now look where I am. Held hostage.

I nod and wait for her to say something.

She looks around at the people that pass by in the cafe' and to be honest my eyes hurt a little. Mary has a bright shine that lights up the entire place. And with her seated in front of me hurts my eyes.

"I knew you'd end up like this." She says with a frown

I look down and fiddle with my fingers,"I know..I don't know how stupid I could have been." I whine

"Now you've done well for a girl your age. But tomorrow I will need you to be strong. Stronger than ever...and I will see you tomorrow okay?" She says getting up

I look up and get up from my seat to see her walking towards the exit. Hell no, I'm not letting her go. Not like I did with Nelly.

"No! Wait!" I yell as I follow her.

The floor starts to move further and further back with me only getting further back from Mary. I stop and look around to see the cafe' empty.

"Great, left me just like the rest of them." I whisper to myself.

I sit on a chair and close my eyes breathing quietly in and out. Everything once more goes black.


I will update tomorrow. Please rate 10.0 and I will update five chapters tomorrow if you get me to 10.0 right now I have a 9.8 meaning that I'm...okay? I guess. But I try my hardest to make you guys interested. Tomorrow I hope I get a lot of comments,subscribers and a high rating after Chapter 57.

This Is It.



Really!? Aw ilsym :) Thank you!

OK ok look

I personally think that instead of publishing that piece of shit 'after' they should publish this (maybe with different characters)

Next chapter more drama? Wow. This chapter was drama filled. I can't imagine what's next.