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Revenge On Eleanor Calder (Coming back this Winter)

Chapter 37

At Monica's Shack

Eleanor's P.O.V

"And so she basically called me a whore which lead to the damn fight." Alison finished her story before sipping on her mango shake.

"Wow..." I said amazed, I don't really get in physical fights. I'm mostly seen as a goody goody anyways. I took one last bite of my taco because I'm a little full.

"Ready to go?" she asked getting up.

"Yeah, I'm full..." I breathed and sighed after, I held the four bags of purchased items I had bought earlier today following her out the restaurant. The wind gushed through me causing me to shiver a bit.

"Were to..." she said looking both ways, cars filled up the streets and people were walking all over.

"Um I don't kn-" I was then cut off.

"Oh my God is that her?!" Ali cut me off, I looked in her direction to see what she meant. Here we go again, there she stood. "Red shit..?" Ali finished

"Yeah...that's her." she stared at us...no not stare...glared at us. Standing withing ten feet away.

"Come on." Ali motioned running towards the tall 'lady' in heels and a velvet coat. She ran after her. I followed.

"What are you doing!?"

"Chasing red coat. That's what. Gotta find out who this bitch is..." Alison said determined, her eyes squinted due to the cold air.

Red coat ran faster through a crowd of people and back by the parking lot. Alison raced across the street, just then I heard a screech of tires causing me to halt. Here I am almost hit by a car. I froze looking at the angry driver.

'Sorry' I mouthed before walking swiftly away. Alison sat in a parking spot pissed as ever.

"We lost her."

"I almost died..." I said giving her a look

"Grow a vagina..." she teased, I rolled my eyes and laughed. I bent down panting with my hands on my knees breathing uneven. I inhaled deeply feeling something come up my throat. Before I knew it, I vomited everything food like substance out of my system.

Alison got up patting me on the back, "Woah...you okay there?!"

My stomach gringed tightly, I nodded even though I feel awful. I looked up at her, "Can you call Louis...." I said faintly

"Sure" she said reaching into my pocket. She dialed his number and it rang.

"Hello." Louis said

"Hey Louis...it's Alison, Eleanor doesn't f-" I then cut her off by hitting her on the leg, "Bitch..." she whispered under her breath. I don't want Louis worrying about me.

"Eleanor doesn't feel like shopping anymore so would you pick her up or shall I drop her?" she resumed she always used proper grammar whilst talking to men. Weird I know. I'm not sick...I'm actually alright, maybe I ate too much.

Just then I realized Ali had hung up, "Your boo is coming for you" she teased making a kissy face. I stuck out my tongue.

"Did you see anything?"

"Not really. The bitch wore a mask. Next time..." she reasoned. And I hope there wouldn't be a next time....because honestly. I'm at my breaking point.

Red Coat's P.O.V

I rushed through traffic down the road frantically . Bitch, bitch,bitch,bitch,fucking bitch! Who does she think she is. Just then I got a phone call.

"Talk to me." I said chewing my gum loudly, smack.

"I-I-I did it..." I heard my partner say in a shivering whisper.

"Great, how do you feel love!" I said sarcastically.

"Shut the hell up. I did it okay." it snapped. Oh yeah I'm going to call my partner a it because he/she is a dumb ass.

"Wait. I'm not done. I need you to do one more thing..." I said having a idea pop into my head. Genius just genius. I need a Nobel Piece Prize for this shit. I drove through the red light not stopping no matter what. In a couple weeks my problem will be gone. Gone, forever.



Really!? Aw ilsym :) Thank you!

OK ok look

I personally think that instead of publishing that piece of shit 'after' they should publish this (maybe with different characters)

Next chapter more drama? Wow. This chapter was drama filled. I can't imagine what's next.