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They Don't Know About Us

Chapter 25

Aubrey's POV

I looked away from Harry's gorgeous eyes before I started to cry. I wanted him so badly, but we had too many differences. There were many barriers to our relationship. It just wasn't possible. Every time I tried to not think about him he came right back into my mind. His features were always inside my mind, and would never get out. I swear I've been paranoid about my decisions lately. Everything involved Harry.

I peeked at Harry and saw that he was looking at the road, bot hands on the steering wheel, his knuckles white from his tight grip on the wheel. His eyes weren't illuminated with the usual brightness and I was really worried. I didn't think he really cared about me that much. I looked out my window again before he caught me staring.

"Why the hell did you run away from me?" Harry said with a frightening amount of calmness. I knew he was mad but he wasn't going to show it.

I didn't really have an answer that wouldn't hurt him, so I stayed quiet and kept my eyes looking out the window of his car.

"ANSWER ME AUBREY!" He yelled making me jump in fright.

"I-I-I..." I stuttered. How do I answer nicely? Oh well, people didn't give two shits about me so I won't give two shits about Harry's feelings. "You don't love me." I stated, still avoiding eye contact.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him look at me like a crazy person. He suddenly stopped the car with so much force that I put my hands out in front of me to stop myself from falling forwards. He hooked two fingers under my chin and forced me to look at him.

He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss, I closed my eyes trying so hard to not let the tears fall. Then I heard him whisper a speech that'll always stay with me.

"Why the fuck are you being so hard? I told you that I loved you and I've done everything I could to make you believe that. But Noooo. You have to be so damn difficult and not listen to me. I love you with all my heart Aubrey. I swear to God if it's the last thing I do, I'll make you realize that every time I see you my heart beat picks up and goes a million miles a minute. I know for sure that my eyes light up. And you know what? When I see tears in those beautiful eyes of yours my heart shatters into a million pieces. Aubrey, please believe me. Please? I love you, and like I said before, Forever and Always."

I couldn't deny it any longer.

Harry Edward Styles loved me.

And I loved him too.

I leaned in and connected our lips. Out lips moved in sync. Each of us craving each other. I pulled back, reluctantly.

"I love you too." I whispered barely audible.

It was quiet and I was comfortable with it. I smiled at him, and he returned it. He took my hand in his and looked me dead in the eye.

"Now, will you be my girlfriend? Again?" He asked teasingly.

I studied his features for a second. Of course I wanted to call him mine.

"Yes." I said and let myself melt into our next kiss.

Now he was mine. All mine...

We were interrupted by the honk of a horn. I pulled away and looked out the window to see a pissed off looking Josh.

"Oh shit." I said getting out of the car.

I had a lot to explain. The rain didn't help either. Damn you rain. Just kidding I love rain, but not right now.

God, I'm talking to myself...


Ello!! ^.^

I'm so fucking sorry we haven't updated. :( Me and Maddie have both been so busy, but I hope this makes it worth the wait. :)


xx -Ariana


**I have different usernames for the websites hehe...**


You should continue writing this story its Amazing please don't erase it :)

Love5SOS Love5SOS

Awe, thank you ! Lol

Thanks ! X

yes update, i freaking love this story ! <3


HarrysDimple HarrysDimple