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Our Childhood is over.

Good and Bad news.

"Hey, Bella. I've got some news." Niall said walking into my room, early in the morning. "Yea Niall?" I asked sitting up in bed and giving my big brother a hug. "Well, I auditioned for the X factor, and got in! Simon put me, in a boy band with 4 others. Their names are, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry!" Niall said. "Harry!? Harry is my best friend! The kid I always hang out with! He told me all this through text message!" I said all excited. "But the thing is.." He continued. "I know.. I wont see you for like months, or years maybe." I said, my happy mood fading away.

"I'm sorry Bella. We're leaving on Wednesday." Niall said hugging me. He sat in my bed next to me. A tear rushed down my face, then fell onto Niall's hand. "Don't cry sis. Stay strong. I wont change. And you and mom will be the only thing on my mind."

"But Niall..." I said. But got interrupted by our mom calling us for breakfast. "We're coming!!!" Niall screamed. I hugged Niall tighter. "Please don't leave." I said. "I promise, I'll come back. " Niall said. "I'm hungry." I said. We hugged an extra second, I gave him a kiss on his cheek, then walked to the kitchen. Niall following after me.

After breakfast, I was in bed watching TV. Harry entered my room. "Who let you come in Cupcake?" I asked him "Niall. We're in a band now, With 3 others named..."
"I know.. Niall told me." I said getting up. "Well. It's Saturday.. We're leaving Wednesday." Harry said hugging me.

"Remember how Joy said I liked you, in middle school..." I asked him. "Yep." He said to me smiling down. "Well, Joy is in our high school I'll hang out with her while your away." I said. "Tho, It wont be the same." I cried, my head resting on Harry's shoulder. "Don't cry babe. I'll be back as soon as you know it!" He said. "I'm sorry.. I'm just gonna miss you like crazy. Every day, I'm still gonna walk to your house, and ask Anne if I could, you know, sit in your room. It would really remind me about you." I said crying. He rubbed my back, crying with me.


:D Still working on my Louis one. but thinking of ideas for it


@Ms.LouisTomlinsonLove I was busy writing my other stories. I was thinking of making a sequel for my story that was a bigger hit than this one.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god are you making a sequel you really should this was so good bravo!

@Liams Girl
I Love This <3 :*