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Georgia Rose

Glass on Fire

"How much of this song is true, hey Flick?" Daniel interrupts. We're sitting in a room watching security tapes, listening the the latest single for the 100th time through the walls. Obviously, with him also knowing my undercover name, it didn't take long for him to work out that it is about me, well her.
"None of it... well the dancing yes but you saw that. So drop it!" i replied angrily.
"Well I'm not believing a word of that. Look at that blush!" He says, pointing to my cheeks. I hastily get up and make my way to the door.
"I'm doing a scope of the car park." I say before slamming the door. I keep my head down as i pass through the halls, taking a sneaky peak into the office set. I catch glimpses of him throwing stuff in the air and dancing on tables before continuing on.

Why couldn't he of forgotten me? He'd had a bit to drink that night, why couldn't i of just been a hazing dream to him. Instead, he remembers everything and is even dedicating a song to her!

They're due to fly back the day after tomorrow. I debate the idea of exposing myself when we get back or remaining in the shadows.

If I expose myself, they i can protect him. Like Daniel said, it's easier at close range. But if i do, then I'm sure to get trapped into some romance with him, that I'll have to play out. Do i have what it takes, to pretend to fall in love with someone. I say pretend because of course there's no way I'll actually allow myself that luxury.

When i get outside i see that the masses of girls that have arrived since this morning has nearly tripled. How do they know their here? and within such short timing. I know what with social media and all it's much easier but still. The boys have been here what since 6 this morning and we were so careful sneaking them in. 3 separate cars all different, at different times, with different routes to the building from the hotel.
Someone must be leaking their whereabouts.

Suddenly, there's a commotion in a section of the girls followed by a collaboration of various screams. Then, into the air fly's a glass bottle on fire that hits the nearest Range Rover, 100m from where I'm standing. It cracks a window and catches light on the seat. The security standing around are immediately on their walkies-talkies before another 3 glass bottles on fire attack the car again. I don't stay to check if they hit their target, I'm running towards the gate fence. I follow 3 burly security guards passed the fence and into the dispersing crowd. We catch sight of two guys and a girl with cutout beanies over their faces. The see us and make a run for it.
I feel my phone vibrate but ignore it and chase down the masked culprits. Two of the security guards are following me, but falling behind. The group splits up, one turning the corner the other two ahead before splitting up at a y-junction. I follow the girl that turned a corner, down the street.
Just when im beginning to make ground between us, she turns the corner again nearly slipping.When i make it around the corner, i see her jump into van and get driven away. I catch the first 4 characters of the license plate: 4BGS.
I repeat the digits as i dial Stav's number into my phone. He answers immediately and i quickly relate what just happened and ask him to search for what he can with the license plate. Once i've given him all the information, he hangs up and i call back Dan.
I start jogging back to the studio, when he picks up.
"Where are you!?" he yells.
"On my way back. Have you gotten all of the guys out of the building?"
"Yeah, they're all heading back now and we're rescheduling a flight back tonight. They sent 3 guards after possible suspects, but they fled."
"Did the other two catch up to the guys. I nearly got the girl but she jumped into a van. I called Stav to get him to run a check with the partial license plate i got."
"Oh right." He replies in a slightly disheartened tone. "I don't know about the other two, but i'll go find out some information. Get back here so we can go." he hangs up and i speed up back to the studio.


Well i'm back. Felt like rekindiling this story after a year. I couldn't figure out where to take the story but hopefully it will go in a good direction now.


love it
BiancaStyles BiancaStyles