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Georgia Rose

The Platform

"Are you sure you want to do this, Flick?" My mum asks me.
"Of course she does, Bec, we wouldn't be heading to this meeting with Director Buyt if she wasn't." My dad replies for me.
"I was just checking!"
"You've been checking every five minutes on the way here," I laugh and hug her,"Don't worry, this is what i want." I smile.
"That's what i'm worried about..." she mutters under her breath.

She has a right to be worried, her and my dad of all people know exactly how hard this business can be. Secret agent isn't one of the preferred career options. It certainly isn't up their in the high school curriculum and most kids my age wouldn't even believe that such a career even existed, just a fake career they make for movies.

However, my life has been all about SIS agents and undercover missions since i was born because of the fact that my parents are part of MI6. They are the top agents there so i guess you could say, it's in my blood.

While growing up my dad used to teach me things he has learnt such as martial arts, starting a car without keys, unlocking doors with bobby pins so that one day I could be like him. My mum also taught me Spanish, French, and Italian but i don't think it was for the same reasons. My mum doesn't want me to become a secret agent. I think it's because she remembers the sacrifices she had to make and she doesn't want me to go through them like she did. But what can you do when all you've known for the last 19 years is the Secret world of MI6.

So last year after i graduated High School, i joined the team of newbies, learning how to become professional secret agents. Granted I had learnt most of it growing up, i passed after my first year. Everyone thought i was a natural because of my parents and in some part i guess they were right. Besides, now my parents and i are on our way to HQ in London for a meeting with the director of SIS, Director Buyt, to receive my official ticket into undercover work.

As soon as the elevators open my parents and i are welcomed. They're like stardom in the SIS world we barely make it to Director Buyt office through all the good luck's and even some people congratulating me as if there's no way i'm going to not get in. I'm all excited that i don't even worry about not getting in until we're in Director Buyt's office.

"No," he starts," you're not ready to be starting in the field." I stare at him with my parents for a moment. I wasn't prepared for this.
"But..My parents started when they were 19!" I say annoyed.
"Yes, but they went through all the official training. You've only done one year."
"But Director Buyt, we've been training her since the age of 6. She's been doing all the training already for years." My dad interjects.
"Quite... but not under the supervision of anyone in charge." he continues.
"Director, Sam and I have been agents for 30 years, you can't say we don't have any knowledge in the field to not offer the most highest of training." My mum says. It seems despite her encouragement of not joining had all but gone when i was rejected.
"Sam, Bec... you of all people know the difficulties that come with this job, are you really just going to let you're daughter go through that."
"It's not their decision, it's mine. I'm 19 years old, i'm legally allowed to to make all my own decisions." i nearly shout. I was sick of being behind my parents decisions even after turning 18 everyone was asking them not me what i wanted. It was my turn to show them all what i could do.
"All of you, know i have what it takes. So stop treating me like a child." I stared at them all.

It's took them a minute to respond and when they did, it was a simple nod. I turned to Director Buyt when i could see the defeat in his eyes and he gave me my badge.


Hey guys, this was just an introduction into Felicity's life. Harry will be along at any moment.


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