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Souless Heart

Chapter 4

Vera's POV
I know he didn't understand why I get so upset when people ask me this question, but a lot of people don't either.

I keep thinking of that night, the hope that he is just busy in traffic, but then the wave of nervousness hits you, eating every last bit of hope you have left. Thinking maybe he left you or his not wanting to get serious. But it never hit me that he could've been hurt.
Tears stream down my face as I chug down my glass of vodka, my throat stings but I keep drinking, trying to erase the memory.

I hear a car pull up, fear overwhelms me.I know it's Harry. I drink more and more until I see a figure standing in front of me.
My eyes flutter and everything goes dark.

As I slowly open my eyes, I see Ari is staring at me.
Thank God.
That was Ari’s car’s sound. It wasn’t Harry’s.
“Finally!!!” she says and hands me a glass of water.
I groan as I sit up.
“What time is it?” I ask.
“8 in the morning.” She says softly.
“When did you come?” I ask casually and down the whole water.
“When you were suffocating yourself with alcohol and just…” she gestures towards me.
“Thanks Ari.” I say quietly.
“Yeah as always. What are you doing to yourself? why? Why are you doing this?” she snaps at me.
“Why what? What did I do?” I snap back and roll out of the bed and head to the bathroom.
She follows me.
“This!! I can’t just take care of you forever, Vera!! Get over your… dead boyfriend.” She says angrily.
I turn back before I close the bathroom’s door and shoot her a death glare and then I slam the door.
“You have to face it, Vera. He. is .dead.” She says from behind the door.
“Leave me alone!!” I shout.
“oh I would if I could.” I can tell that she said that through her gritted teeth.
“Nobody asked for your help!! Thank you for helping me so far though.”
I flush the toilet.
“Can you grow up?” she shrieks.
I start brushing my teeth and slam the door open.
Ari is standing right in front of me.
I glare at her.
She sighs.
“All I’m saying is that you need to move on” she says quietly.
“Yeah? Can you find a single good caring non-asshole guy around here?” I snap at her with my mouth full of bubbles.
She stays silent and shakes her head.
I roll my eyes and wash my mouth and come out of the bathroom.
“You can’t be single anymore. You’re too moody and just… you’ve been drinking a lot lately. You need a boyfriend.” She says sternly.
I start combing my hair, ignoring her completely.
“Harry asked me about Jake today.”
I freeze.
“I said he’s dead.” She said with her head down, feeling a bit guilty.
“Why would you do that?” I exclaim.
“Well I’m not strong enough to kick his ass!” I see the tears brimming in her eyes.
I step closer to her and notice a faint bruise on her chin.
“Did he do this to you?” I ask angrily.
She nods.
“What did he want? When did this happen?” I shout.
“It’s… he… yesterday…. In the…” she stutters.
I bite my lips in anger and run out of the room.
feeling so brave.
i was done with him acting like he owned me.
“Vera!!” she shouts from my back.
I grab my jacket and run out of the house as I put it on.
This boy needed a lesson.

Ari’s POV:
I hear her steps running towards the door and slamming it behind her.
I wipe off the stupid tears and wear my running shoes and follow her out of the house.
If i didn’t stop her now, she would definitely get herself in trouble with that boy.
I knew him well enough to say that he didn’t like it when girls went all dominant over him… so he would definitely hurt her.


Tell us what you think guys!!!! :)) xx


It's okay, just update!

sorry :((((

xoxo221D xoxo221D

I wrote that seven months ago. You're a tad late, darling.

Thanks baby

I think the saying on the cover image is very true. It's so cute also and very agreeable