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‘Harry are you serious?’ I said rolling my eyes at Harry
‘Stop yelling’ I said trying to remain calm
‘I saw the way you looked at Liam tonight the way to hugged him, what about when you two disappeared for 1 hour DID YOU FUCK HIM FOR A HOUR?’ he said his face going red
‘FUCK YOUR JUST SO ANNOYING’ he said kiking the couch
‘HARRY! You are saying stupid things over nothing and getting me really pissed off, so you can have the fucking couch all to yourself’ I said giving him a look and walking away
‘HOW I ABOUT I JUST GO OUT FOR THE NIGHT, FIND SOME RANDOM TO FUCK’ he yelled as I walked back into the room he was in
‘YOU KNOW HARRY I ODNT EVEN KNOW YOU LATLEY SO WHY DON’T I GO AND YOU STAY HERE THEN CAUSE IF YOU GO BANG SOME RANDOM THIS WOULD MAKE THINGS WORSE’ I said as shut the hotel door and walked down the hall way. I found mysef knocking at Liams door, he had the room to himself I could just use his couch.
‘Hello?’A really pretty blonde opened the door smiling at me
‘Hi? Sorry wrong room I was looking for Liam’ I said taking in she was wearing a guys shirt and her hair was a bit messed
‘He is here would you like to come in, don’t worry we are finished’ she giggled, she was nice but I understood what they were doing
‘Um yes please-‘
‘Who are you telling what we were-oh my gosh’ Liam said walking out in his boxers to see me standing there
‘Oh um I didn’t know it was you’ Liam stuttered
‘I’m sorry you guys seem busy don’t worry Liam’ I said putting my head down
‘No stay-‘’ liam started
‘No I came here for your help but you were fucking someone else bye Liam’ I said snapped before I walked out and made my way down the hall, I shouldn’t have snapped at Liam like that, urgh. I would try Nialls room
‘Hello- OH I WAS SO LONLEY COME IN’ he said taking me into a massive hug
‘Hey’ I said walking straight over to the couch
‘Aw, whats wrong?’ he asked siting across placing my legs on his lap
I told Niall everything that happened tonight
‘Liam really has a girl in his room’ he said laughing
‘Yes, I shouldn’t have snapped at his I was just really pissed at harry’ I put my hands over my face
‘Well Harry shouldn’t have snapped at you like that’ he said placing his hands over my ankles and massaging them, Niall was the cutest and was the one I could tell everything to
‘I know, its just so annoying’ I sighed
*In the morning*
‘Thanks Niall see you later’ I said walking out of his room and back into my own, Harry wasn’t their I made the way to the room we shared, and then walked into the bathroom he was taking a shower
‘Babe?’ he called
‘Hey Harry’ I said walking into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror
‘Pass me my boxers please?’ Harry asked as I gave them to him
‘Thanks’ he said walking out of the shower, his body on show, how could I be angry at him
‘Look I'm sorry, I am a jealous piece of shit and I should never act that way, and I want you to know what I said I didn’t mean I was caught up in the head of the moment and I didn’t mean it, I love you’ he said pressing his body against yours
‘Your half forgiven’ I whispered against his lips, he lifted my up and threw me on the bed
‘What if I did this?’ He hovered over me as his fingers trailed to my waist line
‘No Harry’ I breathlessly said
‘Really?’ He pulled my jeans and underwear down and rubbed a long finger against me, then slowly placed on inside
‘Fuckkk’ I said moaned
‘2 or3?’ he smiled, he then placed a second fingers and moved around, then a third and was pumping and kissing my neck, i moved my hand and cupped his balls in my hand and gave a squeeze
‘Shit’ he said going faster I was just about to realise when the someone knocked on the door harry quickly stopped
‘This is not over’ he bit my lip as we both laughed
‘I am going to kill that mother fucker’ he said as we walked to the door, I opened the door as harry started licking his fingers casually then I just remembered where they had been
‘Harry’ wacked him and full opened the door to see liam standing there
‘Hey, can I talk to you’ he said pulling me out and closing the door
‘I want to say I'm sorry’ He started
‘No liam stop, I am sorry you can do..what…you…um..yea.. with whoever you want I just had a massive fight with Harry and needed to talk about it
‘I should have been there for you’ he sighed
‘No Niall was, come here’ I opened my arms as we hugged.


Woah...just woah....
TommoTomlinson TommoTomlinson
my name: Kirsten but most people call me Rollie-Pollie some things I want in there: I guess the fact I have 5 brothers, 3 sisters, 7 sugar gliders, 6 cats, and 9 dogs? 5 brothers oldest to youngest: Zack, Brad, Justin, Austin, Josh. 3 sisters oldest to youngest: Montana, Annie, Jessie. 7 sugar gliders, Moot, Will, Whitney, Willow, Windy, Batman, Robin. 6 cats: Mindy, Misty, Marley, Buddy, Garfield, Blackjack. 9 dogs: Pedro, Trixie, Molly, Little Bit, Nahga, Bella, MariBelle, Tinker Bell, Buster Brown. I have both a step mom and a step dad. ...
belikewahcha belikewahcha
Can I have one?
belikewahcha belikewahcha
you just made my frickin day!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH :D
craZymeOw craZymeOw
Thanks that was amazing! Xxx
DirectionerLife DirectionerLife