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Need characters for my story <3 **closed***

Still need

Still need few charaters

Step sister of Savannah's- Her character is Good/Bad she tries to get with Niall a few times . and break up the two. But in the end she will help Savannah once she see's she is struggling .

Savannah's Best friend-she is currently living in Savannah's hometown Atlanta and she wants to meet up with Savannah once the band is there . She tries to Hook up with Harry, but soon finds out secrets She is sweet and nice just like Savannah and will too help her in any way.
(I have One girl who said she will be this character But has yet to reply !)

I will prob update a chapter

I also have a co-writer !

@zoyaestyles123 !!
Alright so i have two(one i think not sure!) stops left fore this fanfiction. you may think these characters dont matter, but trust me.. they all have a big roll in this story!<3
-s x


@Narry'sAddiction Okay!
Kirsten Horan Kirsten Horan
@Loveiskool Awesome! Just message me your name and some informtion about your self!<3

Well i just got one girl who is playing the step sister! and im still waiting for a girl to reply back to play the best friend.. ! so idk RIGHT NOW!
i'd love to play that roll
Loveiskool Loveiskool
She plays a good/bad part but in the end she is sweet!<3