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The Way

I Almost Killed You

"Her finger is moving!" It was Eleanor that whisper yelled. I wanted to open my eyes to see where I was. I felt all sorts of tubes attached, and there was a quiet beep in the background.

Various chairs scratched against the floor.

"Is she awake?" Harry's raspy voice called. I squeezed the hand that was clasped around mine, letting them know I was awake.

Slowly I willed my eyes to open. But they wouldn't open all the way. My eyes were squinted nearly shut, between my eye lashes I saw my mum, dad, El, Niall and Dani hovered over my bed, looking down at me.

"W-" I cleared my throat. "Where's Harry?" I asked, my voice was raspy and quiet, as I was able to speak above a whisper.

"I'm right here." He called from across the room. I tried sitting up to see him.

"No, stay down, Lexi." My dad instructed.

"Niall go get a doctor please?" My mum was folder under my dad's arm crying into his shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked. Within seconds the doctor and Niall came back into the room.

"Glad to see you're awake Ms. Edwards." He was a young doctor, his smile was white and his hair was full of volume. "Do you know where you are?"

"Hospital." I answered with very little confidence. All I knew was that I ached, pain pushing it's way through my body creating a unbearable living circumstance. "It hurts." I told him, a nurse came in to give me something to make the pain subside some. He asked more questions, and I answered them the best I could.

"Do you know what happened?" I shook my head, but I could still hear glass shattering and metal crunching, but I didn't know specifically what had happened.

"You were in a car accident." He looked down at me, his concern clearly evident. "You've been asleep for a few days now."

"I was distracted, Lexi I am so sorry." Harry said from the other side of the room. His voice broke, as a sob fell from his mouth. He was crying, that was the last thing I remember.

"Harry, please, it will be fine I'm all right." I made a attempt to sit up again. "Where are you?" It hurt but I did it, he was in a bed next to mine, bandages covering a large portion of his body. His leg was up in a sling, and his hand was in a cast. "No, Lexi I'll be fine, lie back down, get some rest."

"Harry, oh my gosh!" I attempted an escape from my bed, but the doctor and Niall and my dad laid me back down, holding me there until I stopped trying to move.

"Lexi, I need you to stay in that bed." How could I? "I need you to stay right there."

I was all getting to be too much, the pain in my body from moving so much, and the pain in my heart for how hurt Harry was. Suddenly everything went black.


"Lexi." Someone cried into my stomach. "Come on Lexi, you can do this." They held tight to my hand. The voice was familiar.

"Come on it's been too long, she's not going to wake up." I tried to open my eyes, squeeze his hand, move in anyway to let Harry know I was here.

"I can't believe you just said that." He spit back.
"You can't really believe she's gone you can't!"

"Mate, Zayn is right."

"No." Harry spoke quietly, putting his head back on my stomach, his tears soaking the hospital gown I'd been wearing. His grip tightened, I focused on letting him know I was still here. I thought only of my grip closing in around his hand. My mind thought about his warm hands,
they were soft too. I clenched my hand into a fist around his. "She just sqeezed my hand, she's awale! Guys!" He brought his head up, the tear continuing to fall.

I worked on getting my eyes to open and after many attempts, "But guys I know i felt her hand squeeze mine." The lights above shined down on me. I blinked away the bleariness. His eyes watched as I peered up at him. His smile glowing, his eyes red with dark circles underneath. He had a bandage on his forehead and his curls hung low in his face.

"I'm here cupcake." My voice was scratchy, barely audible. He fell back onto me, his whole body shook as he cried over me. He pushed the hair out of my face and behind my ears. I slowly lifted my arm to brush his hair aside. Slowly tears formed at the corners of my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Lexi, I am so sorry, sorry..." He repeated again and again. "I'm so glad you're awake, you're alive and I love you and I'm so sorry."

"Ha-" I tried speaking but my mouth was so dry I couldn't form them. After clearing my throat I tried again. "Harry, It's all right."

"You've been asleep for weeks, oh my gosh I'm so glad you're awake! Lexi, Lexi, Lex-" He interrupted him self by coming down to me kissing my face and my neck and apolagizing through it all.

"I love you Harry, and I know you didn't mean it, and I know it wasn't on purpose." I kept combing my fingers through his hair.

"But you've been unconscious for four weeks, I thought I killed you, I thought you were dead." His tears fell down his face again.

"So glad to see you awake Ms, Edwards." A doctor walked in with my charts in his hands.

"Yeah, it feels like I've been awake for weeks."

"Well, you've were unconscious for three days after the accident before you woke up and then you passed out from the pain we assumed. And now you've been unconscious for four weeks. We weren't sure what was happening." His eyebrows were furrowed together in concern. "But you're awake now, we'd like to ask you some questions and do some tests, before we proceed."

Four hours later, my room had just about everyone in it. My dad came shortly after I awoke, then Eleanor, who had just left before I woke up. The lads came with the other girls. Some co-works came for a little while.

Harry sat on my bed with me, his left hand in a cast, and his right playing with my hair. I was finally sitting up, engaging with my friends.

"I'm, so happy you're awake." Eleanor was at the foot of my bed painting my toe nails. "I painted your finger nails a week or so ago."

"Thanks." A yawn escaped my mouth.

"You can't honestly be that tired, you just slept for a month." I gave a weak laugh.

"I am."

"All right, sweetie, we'll leave you to rest. I'm so happy you're awake."

They all told me they were happy to see my eyes open before they left. Harry and I were left by ourselves.

"Harry, promise me you won't feel bad about this. I will be fine. Everything will be fine."

"I almost killed you."

"You promise not to feel bad about this and I'll promise not to feel bad about all the shows you've missed because you've been worried sick. You don't need to tell me you missed some because I know, how you are. How many times have you left this hospital room?"He looked down guiltily biting his lip in the process.

"I didn't even tell you about those things when you were asleep."

"You talked to me?"

"They say you might have been able to hear me." I felt bad that I didn't. "You didn't hear me?"

"No, I'm sorry." I shook my head.

"It's all right sweetheart, I didn't really think so either, It just seemed to calm me down somewhat."

Our voices were getting more quiet as tiredness became more and more prevalent.

"When were you released?"

"A few days after you woke up."

"And you never left?"

"I did- just barely. Only to shower and one time when they needed me to go do a One Direction thing." He took a deep breath. "I've been worried sick. I really really thought I'd killed you."

"But you didn't. I'm awake, you're fine, I'm going to be fine. Everything will be fine." He kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." Our lips met and we kissed for the first time in a month.


Just let me know what you think.
Sorry for leaving you hanging last night. I felt like satan... Not sure if i like this chapter but what ever....
thanks again for reading!!!!!!





s-a-r-a-no-h s-a-r-a-no-h
can u upload the third one on this website?
@Sherlolly Tomlinson

idk, I think I know how to phase it out, maybe, kind of, idk....
s-a-r-a-no-h s-a-r-a-no-h
I see...obviously I didn't read close enough :)