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No Matter What We're Broken

Chapter 5

Harry's pov

Its been 8 days that she's been asleep for and I was her with her ever since. I just feel like I can't leave her side. I don't want to miss anything. The boys left and haven't seen her since he 2nd day, I think they noticed that she wasn't waking up anytime soon. Eleanor has visited as much as she could,and today she was coming and she was dragging all of the boys with her. She thought of her as a hero. I looked out the window to see 1000s of fans.. Great just great. That's one of the downs of being famous, you can't have privacy. "Doesn't this place have any better security?" I said to myself. "Is anything wrong mr. Styles?" I was in such a daze that I didn't even notice that the nurse was in the room checking Trinity." "Ah of corse not, I'm just a little worried." "Worried what for?" She asked with curiousity in her eyes. "There's a lot of fans outside and they are a little out of control." "Mr.styles -" "Harry it's Harry" I said butting in. I hated it when people called me MR. "Ah yes, Harry there is nothing to worry about.. Wait she seems to be waking up just a smidgen." "Really? " I said practically jumping out of my seat. "That's what I said right?" She said laughing. "I suppose" I said blushing. "Why do you fancy her so much anyway? Do you even know her?" She snapped. "Well she saved my best friends girlfriend, and that means a lot." "And I see is becoming closer." I said proudly. "And that means a lot!" She mocked me in a baby voice. As much as I wanted to slap the look off her face, I answered "Acually you know what's amatter?" "What?" She snapped. "You so please get the fu-- out of this room... NOW!" She looked me up and down in discust. And left even though she was older, she probably got disappointed when I said that. She was probably about ready to whip out her wallet and show me a picture of her daughter hoping I would fall in love. But what she didn't know is that I already fell.... hard.


Sorry it's been so long I wrote the chapter in my notes and when I tried to paste it into here it didn't works sorry!!! Please


i know its late but i love ur story update ??? an omg she has cancer :(


Idbeharry Idbeharry

Thank!! I try :)

these are some good outfits sofar

Hmmmmm wahaha I can't wait till I get to upload the next chapter

Idbeharry Idbeharry