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Little Things

Harry's Side

Harry POV
I was so mad I could kill that creep if I ever saw him I don’t even know what I would do. I walked through the door when a guy stopped me.
“Excuse me but do you know Jazz? She left this in my car and I didn’t know what apartment to buzz.”
“You’re the guy she went home with last night?” I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw.
“Oh you must be the boyfriend-” I was about to knock the guys lights out when I heard from outside “Babe the check engine light won’t go off!”
“I’ll be there in a sec sweetie. Sorry about that. But yah she was really worried about you this morning. Can you give this to her though?”
“Wait you’re… you’re gay?”
“Oh you thought me and her- GOD no!” he laughed it off and I realized I made a huge mistake. I was about to turn and run back up the stairs when the guy turned to me and asked “Do you know anything about cars?” I nodded “can you take a look at ours I have no idea what’s wrong with it.” I nodded again and followed him outside.
After a few minutes at looking at the car and watching the boys (apparently Jared and Nate) sneak a kiss here and there Jazz came bursting out of the building.
“Hey Jazz. Your boyfriend is such a sweetie. Well after almost punching me in the face cuz he thought we slept together. But my check engine light came on and he’s checking it for me.” She looked really confused then just irritated. She looked at me and said “We’ll take later. Turned and went back in the building.
So I helped the guys the best way I could then sent them on their way and made my way back to the apartment. I knocked on our bedroom door and go no answer. I crept in and sat on the bed. She was asleep. I sighed and shook her lightly.
“Jazz. Wake up. We need to talk.”I could tell she was awake. “I know you’re awake. Please Jazz just hear me out.” She finally turned over.
“Fine.” She said reluctantly.
“Management talked to some of the talk shows and interviews we had to do could be done over video chat. We had to come home because Zayn needs to go to summer school to get his diploma. So I was all excited and I didn’t want to tell you cuz I wanted it to be a surprise. I got here this morning at like 8 and wanted to make you breakfast in bed. I went in to check on you and Alex shot up and said ‘Jazz is that you?” I asked her where you were and she started crying and said she didn’t know. So we were both pacing and worrying all morning till about 11 when I got the picture of you going home with another guy. I sent Alex home and just sat here fuming. By the time you got here I was ready to explode. I should’ve taken a moment to hear your side of the story. I’m really, really sorry. And if you’re willing to tell me I still do want to hear what happened.”
“The girls brought me out. Got me really drunk really fast. I think I went to the bathroom or something and when I got back I couldn’t find them. So I left to go home. I think some guy tried grabbing me but I hit him with my purse. Then Jared showed up he shooed the guy away and offered to walk me home but I couldn’t remember where I was or how to get there or even what it was. So he took me home. I don’t remember anything after that but trust me nothing happened between me and him.”
“I know he’s gay I saw him and his boyfriend sneaking kisses when I was fixing the car.” It got really silent for a few minutes when she asked.
“How could you say those things about me? Do you honestly think I would cheat on you? I mean I get it if the situation was reversed I would feel the same way but you never even gave me a chance to explain.”
“I know and I am so sorry. I was just so hurt and angry but that’s no excuse for how I treated you.” It was really quiet again and I got up went to the kitchen to where I had left the flowers I got her. I went back in the room and gave them to her “I really missed you.” She smiled slightly “I missed you to Harry.”
“Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” she thought for a second and looked up and me with a grin and said “How about that breakfast in bed?”


2 updates in one day aren't you lucky ducks. Sorry it's short but yah TA DA!!!!!


AWWWWWW, I know, ita super sad that its over, but that ending was so cute! <3
britishboyband britishboyband
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! This can't be the end!!!! WHY!?!?!?!
honestly, please update this, I'm actually dying.
Im gonna have to cry becuz ur not updating .... :'(