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Speak Up - Where We Share What We Think - Comments

I'm with you on slavery ..... a lot of people read them because It turns into a sappy love story

I'm thrilled that someone thinks the same as me.
I like it when it takes a while for them to fall in love, I like the idea of mentally screaming to myself when they finally get together

Styles_Love Styles_Love

I couldn't agree more. It bothers me to no end when they are in love in chapter 2. I think people are confused with love and lust. I know no one who has met someone and fallen in love in 24 hours. I think that's why my characters in my stories take forever to fall in love because I just don't think it's realistic to happen so quickly!

Love every single chapter so far, it's everything I agree with and try to avoid! :)

I agree with you. When there is numerous of spelling mistakes, it instantly starts to lose your attention.
An abusing Harry is awful, I'm always put off story's that contain him being violent and all that.
It's nice to hear from someone who is a Liam's girl, makes a change :)

Thanks for taking part!

Styles_Love Styles_Love

Can we talk about blatant typos and intentional mispellings - gripes me to no end.
Ocaasionally one or two will get by me and spell check and this I pad keyboard doesnt help matters.
My preferences . . . hmmm - I like a variety but violence towards one sex or the other is a no go. Incest and down right abuse, another big turn off.
I love fluff as well as making it a little rough. I definately want a plot.
Realistic is a plus but not a must.
I am a definate Liam girl and view him my way and hope I get that across in my stories.

softballchick79 softballchick79

This is why I love talking to writers/readers, it's brilliant to see what other's preferences are.
I agree, it is much easier to read if it's realistic, relate-able and not over the top, you're very much right in my eyes. I feel writers often wander in and out of their story, forgetting what their plot is. This only happens a moderate amount of time, it just helps those writers who put their heart into their stories stand out even more.
Yes, point taken about the 'love' thing, I must admit I do smile as a fellow Brit when I read a story and it uses that L word a lot! It would be nice if guys actually called us that in real life a little bit more? Maybe?

I've not yet stumbled across sex being over used in stories, luckily the ones I've spotted have been moderate, but then I've got a lot of stories to get through on here.

Thank you so much for your input and taking your time to share your opinion with me. I value what others think as I know we are all very different in many ways! I hope to any writers out there who may be desperate to write a story can read your comment on here and find some inspiration from you!

Styles_Love Styles_Love

Hmmm.........the perfect story..........
I'll read just about anything but it has to fit 3 rules realistic, relate-able and not over the top. I've read a lot of stories that are so out there it's hard to read. I'm drawn more towards stories where the main character seems real and not either the perfect girl or the ultimate mess.
Honestly I think the draw to bullying torturing and kidnapping is the whole idea of someone changing. In these stories a lot of the time the person who you start out hating either has a reason for being that way or is really just misunderstood (I also think it's for the sex) I'm not totally big on the whole bad boy thing. I like it when it is realistic but I've read a lot where the writer really doesn't know what they are talking about and it seems odd.
I get the whole love thing (I used to go to an English school) but as a whole I think it's just american writers trying to get a hold of British slang.
I don't get the whole I hate one direction but I was forced to go to a concert and now I'm in love thing. In my opinion it is over-used. I know if my friend told me I was going to a concert of a band I didn't like I would just use the word no it isn't very hard.
The whole he left and now he's back thing is also way overused. I move a lot so I know how it is. Promises are made to stay in touch and they are almost always broken. Being bitter and sore about it isn't going to help. (and I've found if people are truly friends when they meet again they go back like they were before easily)
Paying to date is also kinda overused. If they were going to try and save someone's reputation I'm not sure a relationship would be the best way (relationships are messy?) but it is a nice idea I know I would certainly date a fairly attractive guy if I was being paid like a million bucks.
I totally agree with the paragraph thing if it's all one big paragraph I usually just go back to the story page and don't bother.
I'm fine with sex scenes but I think it's kind of over the top when it's like every chapter. Who has sex like everyday? not sure that's healthy.
oooooops I ranted again :P

At first I was inspired by ideas of how people see Harry and how I saw him. I wanted to start writing him in the way I could imagine him being if he wasn't famous. I've not been writing on here long and now I'm pleased I do. I know my story isn't to everyone's taste, but I've had motivation and inspiration on here as I've met the loveliest of people!
You should give people reviews, you seem honest and I admire the way you talk. You could really help writers, including myself.

xRockMex xRockMex

Excellent feedback my friend.
I must agree with you, Romance and Drama are what makes a story stand out. Of course that's just my opinion. This is the purpose of my post, to connect with others and find out what they expect to find on sites like this. I must ask, what inspires you on here? Except for One Direction that is, as I see you're a writer yourself.

Styles_Love Styles_Love

I like various stories. I quite like it when the main character isn't quite so sure about the guy at first. Then she starts to learn more about him and they discover they have more in common than she realised. And vice versa of course. I do like romance and I also like a little bit of drama. I've never seen a post like this before!

xRockMex xRockMex

Dear God Thank you!

softballchick79 softballchick79

Message away my friend.

Styles_Love Styles_Love

I love you already, and you are from London! Can I message you?

not_any_maryjane not_any_maryjane