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Loves A Crazy Thing... - Comments

IMPORTANT!!!! I can't get onto this account any longer so please take a look at this one instead and subscribe/vote/comment on their please!!

PLEASE go to the other link, thank-you xo
Georgia_Styless Georgia_Styless
hey guys, sorry about this but I can no longer get onto this account so please can you take read this one instead thank-you xo
And thank you for the comments @ThatRandomUnicorn and @Beany Baby! means a lot, so please read my other page and subscribe to that instead thank-you xo
Georgia_Styless Georgia_Styless
Great story! I love how you take the time to write with correct grammar and stuff. It really bugs me when people have bad grammar, so thank you! Keep on writing! I love it! Luv ya! -A
deletedunicorn deletedunicorn
I really like it. You are very talented, keep going.
Ayeeee Ayeeee
@FernandaPeirce Thank-you! Look back now I agree with the POV's. So will sort if out thank-you xo
Amazing story Georgia! I agree with Hannah. Just turn it a notch down. That will do! Absolutely great! You just got another vote and subscriber! Please keep writing! I like it very much!
@HannahBanana16 Thank-you so much, this comment has made my day:') Not many people commet so I don't know what there thinking and the plot of taking it slow is something that is realistic about it because whenever you meet someone you don't do all them things over 15 chapters it does take time. I'll keep in mind about changing the POV, I realise what you saying. Thank-you again Hannah:)xx
I love this story :) It's a great plot and I like that they aren't like:meet, have sex, start dating, she gets pregnant, get married, the end.
It actually like takes a little time for them to get to know each other. It just makes sense. The only criticism is that you change POV a lot! Try to slow it down a little bit and let people get the full view of one person's thoughts. Otherwise it's an absolutely amazing story so far. I'd love to see it continued xD
awww its so cute!!!
PieceofReese PieceofReese
um....nothing,he just doesn't have acharector box thing,and he's the awesome Irish 1D guy,sooooo........
Yes what about Niall??x

@Hope Horan
Georgia_Styles Georgia_Styles
YAY!Lol xx @Georgia_Styles
Okay will update some time tonight or tomorrow xo@HarryLiamZaynLouNiall
Georgia_Styles Georgia_Styles
Ya you should its awesome!
Thank-you, should I carry on?xo @HarryLiamZaynLouNiall
Georgia_Styles Georgia_Styles
Love it!!!